In healthy corporate cultures, individuals feel a sense of ownership for their actions, their technologies, their products, and their company. Engineering teams have a sense of “ownership” for their services, their customer experience, their costs, their dates, and their commitments.
Focus on ownership to the exclusion of leadership is a trap. Ownership can exist without leadership. Ownership without leadership leads to bunker mentalities -- boundary infighting, failure to consider the customer, and a lack of vision and forward momentum.
A heavy focus on ownership can unintentionally lead to an under-emphasis on leadership. In particular, there is a difference between owning something tangible -- a technology, a service, a host, a roadmap and owning a space. A team might perceive themselves as owning “Oracle deployments” instead of seeing themselves as owning “Relational data usage at the company.” They might see themselves as responsible for owning a metric like “number of pager events” rather than owning “end-user service availability”. This slight definitional difference requires the individual to consider customer communication in the event of a service outage as part of what they own.
Owners often feel accountable for their tactical deliverables and commitments. Owners must clearly articulate boundaries in support of ownership clarity and effective separation of concerns. Owners must focus on the here-and-now realities.
Leaders naturally think about their service in the broader context. They are looking for opportunities by which their technology or business service continues to grow and increase in scope and value. They are focused on best-of-breed.
Leaders aren’t worried so much about in-scope or out-of-scope and are focused on doing-the-right-thing. They use ownership to make sure accountability, commitment, and clarity exist, but don’t use ownership as a way to segment themselves from the rest of the organization.
Leaders think less about roles & responsibilities and more about making sure they do the right thing for the customer. Clarity of roles & responsibilities are necessary for project execution efficiency, but they are a means to an end, not an end result in and of themselves.
Leaders naturally seek to expand their service footprint. They actively consult with customers, vendors, and peer teams trying to find the best solution. They are proactive rather than reactive. They view transparency as a key to success and black-box encapsulation as a limitation to thinking broadly.
Leaders seek out opportunity for impact. They view a new customer as an opportunity rather than a burden. They view tools for driving cross-organizational change as an opportunity to help get involved and lead the entire organization, rather than as an affront to their autonomy.
Leaders communicate passionately. Status, demos, presentations aren’t distractions but are vehicles to affect positive change and get feedback.
There is a leadership trap too. Leaders who fail to feel a strong sense of ownership are like a gust of wind or a crashing wave; they can cause excitement, but their impact, if any, is short-term. Leaders who push ownership elsewhere lose their effectiveness over time as their credibility wears away.
Strong owners commit. They feel accountable for success or failure. They feel accountable to dates and deadlines. They feel responsible for long-term manageability and maintenance even for spaces that they do not directly own. Without this sense of ownership, leadership is not lasting.
The best leaders are owners and the best owners are leaders.
Friday, April 18, 2008
The Ownership Trap
Posted by IdeaMan at 12:57 PM 1 comments
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Intuitives vs Sensories in Software Engineering
Engineers often fall into two Myers-Briggs personality classifications -- ISTJ or INTJ. Engineers tend to be (I)ntroverted, (T)hinking, and (J)udgmental.
Introverted -- Most engineers are motivated by their solitary pursuits. This is manifested in the need for quiet, often dark, isolated work spaces. Many engineers are introverted enough to try to avoid conflict at all cost and most engineers have to train themselves to be comfortable presenting to large groups.
Thinking -- Logic is more important than feeling. Engineers are reknown for following a rational approach. Argument is based upon logical assumptions. Engineers tend to be drawn to math, physics, and economics as alternative to their core engineering discipline.
Judgmental -- Most engineers are decisive. They have a clear opinion and don’t sway between perspectives. They are comfortable making technical decisions even in the face of unknowns.
The place where engineers most differ is between i(N)tuitives and (S)ensories.
Sensory people trust what they can touch and feel. They are very grounded in the here-and-now and the realities of the current situation. They have a visceral understanding of the current issues and feel a need to improve them. They are happiest when they can feel the pulse of the system and get into the code. They are very detail-oriented. These individuals make great engineers who produce very high-quality code and can dig in and fix most problems with a hands-on understanding of the system. Pragmatism is much more important than purism. In extreme cases, they distrust purism as impossible and believe that prediction and modeling are wasted exercises. They distrust anyone’s statements that they can anticipate the problems. Sensories often prefer to stay close to the implementation.
Intuitives tend to be the opposite. Touching and feeling the system isn’t particularly important. They understand the system at a conceptual or abstract level. They can manipulate the system based on a mental understanding of the structures and principles behind those structures. They favor purism as it makes it easier for them to manipulate the system mentally. They focus entirely on anticipating how the system will behave as future requirements impact the design or implementation. They are constantly modeling the system mentally. They may not feel the need to write down that model as they can easily manipulate it in their heads. In many cases details are a distraction. Certainly imperfection introduced by “hacks” and other organic evolution of the system are annoyances rather than practical realities that need to be dealt with. Intuitives often gravitate toward higher-level architecture and design and move away from the code.
The challenge in an engineering environment is that, poorly managed, these two approaches are in direct conflict. Strong intuitives are easily frustrated by sensories who can’t or are unwilling to consider a purist model. Strong sensories are unpersuaded by an intuitive-argument and are frustrated with an intuitive unwillingness to deal with the hands-on realities of the system.
Interestingly, both camps can become champions of process. Process is concrete and can give sensories the comfort that they have some control over the hands-on phases and steps. Intuititives like the sense of organization and structure provided by process.
The flip side is processes which introduce significant communication overhead chafe with the introverted nature of the typical engineer. Processes which subvert localized decision-making authority chafe with the judgmental nature of the typical engineer. As a result, processes may make sense to both parties, but both groups will resist any process deemed to take away control.
Strong sensories can become very uncomfortable and frustrated with intuitives. Intuitives will often ignore the details that sensories find so important. As a result, intuitives often consider a sensories’ approach and input as a minor annoyance. On the other hand, purist ideals forecast into the future make sensories extremely uncomfortable. They aren’t grounded in the here and now, but affect what needs to be done here and now. Strong sensories can come to entirely distrust intuitives, especially given one or two examples where intuitives have gone off-track.
It isn’t hard for an intuitive to go off track. Situations change. Future-casting is not future-proof. The business dynamics might change meaning the approach an intuitive postulated is no longer the right approach. Intuitives will tend to write this off with a “no regrets” philosophy that says “we made the best prediction given the data available”. The data changed, therefore it is obvious the prediction changed.
However, for a sensory this is confirmation that future-casting is impossible and had they focused on the here and now, they wouldn’t have wasted effort or otherwise be shifting course or undoing work unnecessarily.
Process becomes the tool that the sensory uses to make sure he or she doesn’t feel that pain again in the future. In one tact, the sensory will push for all “intuitive” design or prediction to be put into concrete form – diagrams, documents, decision-trees, gantt chart project plans, or prototypes. For the intuitive this is reasonable as it allows him or her to communicate better, but ultimately unnecessary as all this exists in their heads already and the process of documenting it is not particularly revealing.
The other tact is to bake into the process the notion that prediction is not possible and the only viable approach is hands-on evolution of the existing system. There are subgroups of the agile programming community today that argue prediction is impossible and not a worthwhile endeavor.
Agility and flexibility appeal to the intuitive as he or she is constantly future-casting and sees the need to adapt as new data becomes available. Waterfall is also appealing to the intuitive as it allows for some form of purism up-front before the messy detail-oriented task of implementation begins. In the same way agile methods can be employed to try to limit the damage an intuitive can cause with their future-casting, waterfall can be employed by intuitives to try to limit the churning sensories can cause by constantly pushing on the details. That said, in waterfall the intuitive does indeed have to deal with some amount of “annoying detail”. That annoying detail can be ignored with the lighter-weight iterative constructs of a methodology like scrum. Therefore, intuitives will also gravitate toward agile methods.
In the end, extremes fail. Strong engineers of the intuitive bent can indeed future-cast to a certain extent and their passion for purism can give the system and architecture structure. However, future-casting too far or investing too much before the hands-on details come to light or customer feedback is incorporate into the design is precarious. Similarly, failing to attempt any anticipation or prediction before launching into hands-on development without a sense of the framework or future requirements can ultimately create a house-of-cards architecture that requires more and more investment to maintain.
Engineering organizations need to recognize the strengths and pitfalls of each personality type and balance them. Favoring one over the other is problematic. Details matter, anticipatory designs matter. The tension between the two camps, properly managed, is constructive. Processes which encourage intuitive to write down some of their thinking and expose their assumptions are valuable to a point. Processes which favor hands-on experience earlier and faster and place appropriate priority on the concrete details are important too. Prototyping works very well.
Ultimately, the discussion and debate between the two is the most valuable product of this inherent personality conflict.
Posted by IdeaMan at 8:55 AM 0 comments